School Medication Policies (School Nurse)

Nursing Services

Young Achievers provides full-time nursing services in the school building every school day during school hours. We provide an array of health services for your child to support the academic mission of the school.  Below you will read about some of our services and BPS Health Policies.

  • All students must have a recent copy of a physical exam and immunization record on file at school, updated each year. Please schedule appointments with your child’s primary care provider (PCP) over the summer, if necessary, and bring a copy to school at the beginning of the year. Children will not be able to participate in school-sponsored sports if this requirement is not met.
  • For your child’s safety at school, all medical issues and concerns (medical & psychological conditions, medications and allergies-foods, medicine or plants) should be clearly identified, documented and directly communicated by families and medical providers to the School Nurse.
  • Accurate, up-to-date contact information of families and doctors is essential for communication. If this information changes throughout the year, please call the school and the Nurse to update it.
BPS Medication Policies

BPS policy and state-mandated medication laws require written parental consent and, in addition, in most cases, written doctor’s orders for any and all medications to be dispensed at school. These consents must be updated each school year. Forms are available from the School Nurse or online at 

  • Only written parental consent is required for the following over-the-counter drugs (OTC’s): Tylenol, Advil, Calamine Lotion, Bacitracin or Benadryl.  
  • All other medications, including antibiotics, allergy meds, eye drops, eczema ointments, ADHD or other psychological medications or any other medications, except the 5 listed above, also require written doctor’s orders. If the prescription changes, new orders must be written and sent to the School Nurse.
  • All prescribed and over-the-counter medications, including allergy meds, must be given to the Nurse by a responsible adult in prescription-labeled containers and will remain in the Nurse’s Office at school. Any and all medications will be dispensed by the nurse as prescribed by a physician. No child should be transporting medications or carrying medications on their person.
  • Field Trips require an additional Self-Medication consent for medications to be dispensed by non-nursing personnel, authorized and trained by the School Nurse.
Asthma/Life-Threatening Allergies
Any child with asthma and/or life-threatening allergies should have an inhaler and/or an epi-pen at school, also supplied to the nurse by the family. Written doctor’s orders and parental consent are also required. An “Asthma Action Plan” (AAP) is a very useful tool for the management of a child’s asthma at school. Your PCP may be able to provide one or you can get a copy of an AAP from the School Nurse for the doctor to fill out.
Sickle Cell & Chronic Disease (January 31, 2019) Letter from BPS Department of School Health Services to Families:


The healthcare needs of children with chronic illness can be complex and continuous and may need both daily management and support for addressing potential emergencies. BPS’ Department of School Health Services and your school nurse are available to offer you and your child the support needed, including accommodations for your student, to ensure that they are able to manage their chronic condition in school, receiving any necessary academic supports, and planning for potential emergencies. Please see attached a spotlight on supports for students with Sickle Cell Disease, one of the chronic conditions for which we are working to improve our outreach to families to ensure they are aware of the services and supports available to students with this condition.

We are here to support you and your child with any health condition. Please contact our school nurse to learn more and you can also read more here.


Other Health Services available at Young Achievers
For many years, Young Achievers has partnered with the BU Dental School to provide dental services (cleanings, screenings, sealants, and minor fillings) for all eligible children. These visits usually occur in the Fall and Winter. Consent forms will be sent home for you to fill out if you want your child to participate.


For any questions or concerns, please call Nurse Brown or Nurse Morrissey at #617-635-6804 X32433. Your child’s health and safety at school are our primary concern. Thank you!